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django-cqrs ships with two transport that allow users to choose the messaging broker that best fit their needs.

RabbitMQ transport

The dj_cqrs.transport.RabbitMQTransport transport is based on the pika messaging library.

To configure the RabbitMQTransport you must provide the rabbitmq connection url:

CQRS = {
    'transport': 'dj_cqrs.transport.RabbitMQTransport',
    'url': 'amqp://guest:guest@rabbit:5672/'

!!! warning

Previous versions of the `RabbitMQTransport` use the attributes `host`,
`port`, `user`, `password` to configure the connection with rabbitmq.
These attributes are deprecated and will be removed in future versions
of **django-cqrs**.

Kombu transport

The dj_cqrs.transport.KombuTransport transport is based on the kombu messaging library.

Kombu supports different messaging brokers like RabbitMQ, Redis, Amazon SQS etc.

To configure the KombuTransport you must provide the rabbitmq connection url:

CQRS = {
    'transport': 'dj_cqrs.transport.KombuTransport',
    'url': 'redis://redis:6379/'

Please read Transport Comparison and URLs articles for Kombu to get more information on supported brokers and configuration urls.