# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 2018-9-17 @author: xiaoxuan.lp ''' try: import httplib except ImportError: import http.client as httplib import urllib import time import hashlib import json import dingtalk import itertools import mimetypes import hmac import base64 ''' 定义一些系统变量 ''' SYSTEM_GENERATE_VERSION = "taobao-sdk-python-dynamicVersionNo" P_APPKEY = "app_key" P_API = "method" P_ACCESS_TOKEN = "access_token" P_VERSION = "v" P_FORMAT = "format" P_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp" P_SIGN = "sign" P_SIGN_METHOD = "sign_method" P_PARTNER_ID = "partner_id" P_CODE = 'errcode' P_MSG = 'errmsg' def sign(secret, parameters): #=========================================================================== # '''签名方法 # @param secret: 签名需要的密钥 # @param parameters: 支持字典和string两种 # ''' #=========================================================================== # 如果parameters 是字典类的话 if hasattr(parameters, "items"): keys = parameters.keys() keys.sort() parameters = "%s%s%s" % (secret, str().join('%s%s' % (key, parameters[key]) for key in keys), secret) sign = hashlib.md5(parameters).hexdigest().upper() return sign def mixStr(pstr): if(isinstance(pstr, str)): return pstr elif(isinstance(pstr, unicode)): return pstr.encode('utf-8') else: return str(pstr) class FileItem(object): def __init__(self,filename=None,content=None): self.filename = filename self.content = content class MultiPartForm(object): """Accumulate the data to be used when posting a form.""" def __init__(self): self.form_fields = [] self.files = [] self.boundary = "PYTHON_SDK_BOUNDARY" return def get_content_type(self): return 'multipart/form-data;charset=UTF-8; boundary=%s' % self.boundary def add_field(self, name, value): """Add a simple field to the form data.""" self.form_fields.append((name, str(value))) return def add_file(self, fieldname, filename, fileHandle, mimetype=None): """Add a file to be uploaded.""" body = fileHandle.read() if mimetype is None: mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' self.files.append((mixStr(fieldname), mixStr(filename), mixStr(mimetype), mixStr(body))) return def __str__(self): """Return a string representing the form data, including attached files.""" # Build a list of lists, each containing "lines" of the # request. Each part is separated by a boundary string. # Once the list is built, return a string where each # line is separated by '\r\n'. parts = [] part_boundary = '--' + self.boundary # Add the form fields parts.extend( [ part_boundary, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % name, 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8', '', value, ] for name, value in self.form_fields ) # Add the files to upload parts.extend( [ part_boundary, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % \ (field_name, filename), 'Content-Type: %s' % content_type, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary', '', body, ] for field_name, filename, content_type, body in self.files ) # Flatten the list and add closing boundary marker, # then return CR+LF separated data flattened = list(itertools.chain(*parts)) flattened.append('--' + self.boundary + '--') flattened.append('') return '\r\n'.join(flattened) class TopException(Exception): #=========================================================================== # 业务异常类 #=========================================================================== def __init__(self): self.errcode = None self.errmsg = None self.application_host = None self.service_host = None def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): sb = "errcode=" + mixStr(self.errcode) +\ " errmsg=" + mixStr(self.errmsg) +\ " application_host=" + mixStr(self.application_host) +\ " service_host=" + mixStr(self.service_host) return sb class RequestException(Exception): #=========================================================================== # 请求连接异常类 #=========================================================================== pass class RestApi(object): #=========================================================================== # Rest api的基类 #=========================================================================== def __init__(self, url=None): #======================================================================= # 初始化基类 # Args @param domain: 请求的域名或者ip # @param port: 请求的端口 #======================================================================= if(url == None): raise RequestException("domain must not be empty.") if(url.find('http://') >= 0): self.__port = 80 pathUrl = url.replace('http://','') elif(url.find('https://') >= 0): self.__port = 443 pathUrl = url.replace('https://','') else: raise RequestException("http protocol is not validate.") index = pathUrl.find('/') if(index > 0): self.__domain = pathUrl[0:index] self.__path = pathUrl[index:] else: self.__domain = pathUrl self.__path = '' # print("domain:" + self.__domain + ",path:" + self.__path + ",port:" + str(self.__port)) def get_request_header(self): return { 'Content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Connection": "Keep-Alive", } def getHttpMethod(self): return "GET" def getapiname(self): return "" def getMultipartParas(self): return []; def getTranslateParas(self): return {}; def _check_requst(self): pass def getResponse(self, authrize='',accessKey='',accessSecret='',suiteTicket='',corpId='', timeout=30): #======================================================================= # 获取response结果 #======================================================================= if(self.__port == 443): connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.__domain, self.__port, None, None, False, timeout) else: connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.__domain, self.__port, False, timeout) sys_parameters = { P_PARTNER_ID: SYSTEM_GENERATE_VERSION, } if authrize is not None: sys_parameters[P_ACCESS_TOKEN] = authrize application_parameter = self.getApplicationParameters() sign_parameter = sys_parameters.copy() sign_parameter.update(application_parameter) header = self.get_request_header(); if(self.getMultipartParas()): form = MultiPartForm() for key, value in application_parameter.items(): form.add_field(key, value) for key in self.getMultipartParas(): fileitem = getattr(self,key) if(fileitem and isinstance(fileitem,FileItem)): form.add_file(key,fileitem.filename,fileitem.content) body = str(form) header['Content-type'] = form.get_content_type() else: body = urllib.urlencode(application_parameter) if(accessKey != ''): timestamp = str(int(round(time.time()))) + '000' print("timestamp:" + timestamp) canonicalString = self.getCanonicalStringForIsv(timestamp, suiteTicket) print("canonicalString:" + canonicalString) print("accessSecret:" + accessSecret) signature = self.computeSignature(accessSecret, canonicalString) print("signature:" + signature) ps = {} ps["accessKey"] = accessKey ps["signature"] = signature ps["timestamp"] = timestamp if(suiteTicket != ''): ps["suiteTicket"] = suiteTicket if(corpId != ''): ps["corpId"] = corpId queryStr = urllib.urlencode(ps) if (self.__path.find("?") > 0): fullPath = self.__path + "&" + queryStr else: fullPath = self.__path + "?" + queryStr print("fullPath:" + fullPath) else: if (self.__path.find("?") > 0): fullPath = (self.__path + "&access_token=" + str(authrize)) if len(str(authrize)) > 0 else self.__path else: fullPath = (self.__path + "?access_token=" + str(authrize)) if len(str(authrize)) > 0 else self.__path if(self.getHttpMethod() == "GET"): if (fullPath.find("?") > 0): fullPath = fullPath + "&" + body; else: fullPath = fullPath + "?" + body connection.request(self.getHttpMethod(), fullPath, headers=header) else: if (self.getMultipartParas()): body = body else: body = json.dumps(application_parameter) connection.request(self.getHttpMethod(), fullPath, body=body, headers=header) response = connection.getresponse(); if response.status is not 200: raise RequestException('invalid http status ' + str(response.status) + ',detail body:' + response.read()) result = response.read() # print("result:" + result) jsonobj = json.loads(result) if jsonobj.has_key(P_CODE) and jsonobj[P_CODE] != 0: error = TopException() error.errcode = jsonobj[P_CODE] error.errmsg = jsonobj[P_MSG] error.application_host = response.getheader("Application-Host", "") error.service_host = response.getheader("Location-Host", "") raise error return jsonobj def getCanonicalStringForIsv(self, timestamp, suiteTicket): if(suiteTicket != ''): return timestamp + '\n' + suiteTicket else: return timestamp def computeSignature(self, secret, canonicalString): message = canonicalString.encode(encoding="utf-8") sec = secret.encode(encoding="utf-8") return str(base64.b64encode(hmac.new(sec, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest())) def getApplicationParameters(self): application_parameter = {} for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems(): if not key.startswith("__") and not key in self.getMultipartParas() and not key.startswith("_RestApi__") and value is not None : if(key.startswith("_")): application_parameter[key[1:]] = value else: application_parameter[key] = value #查询翻译字典来规避一些关键字属性 translate_parameter = self.getTranslateParas() for key, value in application_parameter.iteritems(): if key in translate_parameter: application_parameter[translate_parameter[key]] = application_parameter[key] del application_parameter[key] return application_parameter