Django CQRS =========== ![pyversions]( ![PyPI]( [![Docs](]( [![Coverage](]( ![GitHub Workflow Status]( [![PyPI status](]( [![Quality Gate Status](]( [![PyPI Downloads](]( ![GitHub]( `django-cqrs` is an Django application, that implements CQRS data synchronisation between several Django microservices. CQRS ---- In Connect we have a rather complex Domain Model. There are many microservices, that are [decomposed by subdomain]( and which follow [database-per-service]( pattern. These microservices have rich and consistent APIs. They are deployed in cloud k8s cluster and scale automatically under load. Many of these services aggregate data from other ones and usually [API Composition]( is totally enough. But, some services are working too slowly with API JOINS, so another pattern needs to be applied. The pattern, that solves this issue is called [CQRS - Command Query Responsibility Segregation]( Core idea behind this pattern is that view databases (replicas) are defined for efficient querying and DB joins. Applications keep their replicas up to data by subscribing to [Domain events]( published by the service that owns the data. Data is [eventually consistent]( and that's okay for non-critical business transactions. Documentation ============= Full documentation is available at []( Examples ======== You can find an example project [here](examples/demo_project/ Integration ----------- * Setup `RabbitMQ` * Install `django-cqrs` * Apply changes to master service, according to RabbitMQ settings ```python # from django.db import models from dj_cqrs.mixins import MasterMixin, RawMasterMixin class Account(MasterMixin, models.Model): CQRS_ID = 'account' CQRS_PRODUCE = True # set this to False to prevent sending instances to Transport class Author(MasterMixin, models.Model): CQRS_ID = 'author' CQRS_SERIALIZER = 'app.api.AuthorSerializer' # For cases of Diamond Multi-inheritance or in case of Proxy Django-models the following approach could be used: from mptt.models import MPTTModel from dj_cqrs.metas import MasterMeta class ComplexInheritanceModel(MPTTModel, RawMasterMixin): CQRS_ID = 'diamond' class BaseModel(RawMasterMixin): CQRS_ID = 'base' class ProxyModel(BaseModel): class Meta: proxy = True MasterMeta.register(ComplexInheritanceModel) MasterMeta.register(BaseModel) ``` ```python # CQRS = { 'transport': 'dj_cqrs.transport.rabbit_mq.RabbitMQTransport', 'host': RABBITMQ_HOST, 'port': RABBITMQ_PORT, 'user': RABBITMQ_USERNAME, 'password': RABBITMQ_PASSWORD, } ``` * Apply changes to replica service, according to RabbitMQ settings ```python from django.db import models from dj_cqrs.mixins import ReplicaMixin class AccountRef(ReplicaMixin, models.Model): CQRS_ID = 'account' id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) class AuthorRef(ReplicaMixin, models.Model): CQRS_ID = 'author' CQRS_CUSTOM_SERIALIZATION = True @classmethod def cqrs_create(cls, sync, mapped_data, previous_data=None, meta=None): # Override here pass def cqrs_update(self, sync, mapped_data, previous_data=None, meta=None): # Override here pass ``` ```python # CQRS = { 'transport': 'dj_cqrs.transport.RabbitMQTransport', 'queue': 'account_replica', 'host': RABBITMQ_HOST, 'port': RABBITMQ_PORT, 'user': RABBITMQ_USERNAME, 'password': RABBITMQ_PASSWORD, } ``` * Apply migrations on both services * Run consumer worker on replica service. Management command: `python cqrs_consume -w 2` Notes ----- * When there are master models with related entities in CQRS_SERIALIZER, it's important to have operations within atomic transactions. CQRS sync will happen on transaction commit. * Please, avoid saving different instances of the same entity within transaction to reduce syncing and potential racing on replica side. * Updating of related model won't trigger CQRS automatic synchronization for master model. This needs to be done manually. * By default `update_fields` doesn't trigger CQRS logic, but it can be overridden for the whole application in settings: ```python settings.CQRS = { ... 'master': { 'CQRS_AUTO_UPDATE_FIELDS': True, }, ... } ``` or a special flag can be used in each place, where it's required to trigger CQRS flow: ```python['name'], update_cqrs_fields=True) ``` * When only needed instances need to be synchronized, there is a method `is_sync_instance` to set filtering rule. It's important to understand, that CQRS counting works even without syncing and rule is applied every time model is updated. Example: ```python class FilteredSimplestModel(MasterMixin, models.Model): CQRS_ID = 'filter' name = models.CharField(max_length=200) def is_sync_instance(self): return len(str( > 2 ``` Django Admin ----------- Add action to synchronize master items from Django Admin page. ```python from django.db import models from django.contrib import admin from dj_cqrs.admin_mixins import CQRSAdminMasterSyncMixin class AccountAdmin(CQRSAdminMasterSyncMixin, admin.ModelAdmin): ..., AccountAdmin) ``` * If necessary, override ```_cqrs_sync_queryset``` from ```CQRSAdminMasterSyncMixin``` to adjust the QuerySet and use it for synchronization. Utilities --------- Bulk synchronizer without transport (usage example: it may be used for initial configuration). May be used at planned downtime. * On master service: `python cqrs_bulk_dump --cqrs-id=author` -> `author.dump` * On replica service: `python cqrs_bulk_load -i=author.dump` Filter synchronizer over transport (usage example: sync some specific records to a given replica). Can be used dynamically. * To sync all replicas: `python cqrs_sync --cqrs-id=author -f={"id__in": [1, 2]}` * To sync all instances only with one replica: `python cqrs_sync --cqrs-id=author -f={} -q=replica` Set of diff synchronization tools: * To get diff and synchronize master service with replica service in K8S: ```bash kubectl exec -i MASTER_CONTAINER -- python cqrs_diff_master --cqrs-id=author | kubectl exec -i REPLICA_CONTAINER -- python cqrs_diff_replica | kubectl exec -i MASTER_CONTAINER -- python cqrs_diff_sync ``` * If it's important to check sync and clean up deleted objects within replica service in K8S: ```bash kubectl exec -i REPLICA_CONTAINER -- python cqrs_deleted_diff_replica --cqrs-id=author | kubectl exec -i MASTER_CONTAINER -- python cqrs_deleted_diff_master | kubectl exec -i REPLICA_CONTAINER -- python cqrs_deleted_sync_replica ``` Development =========== 1. Python >= 3.8 2. Install dependencies `requirements/dev.txt` 3. We use `isort` library to order and format our imports, and `black` - to format the code. We check it using `flake8-isort` and `flake8-black` libraries (automatically on `flake8` run). For convenience you may run `isort . && black .` to format the code. Testing ======= Unit testing ------ 1. Python >= 3.8 2. Install dependencies `requirements/test.txt` 3. `export PYTHONPATH=/your/path/to/django-cqrs/` Run tests with various RDBMS: - `cd integration_tests` - `DB=postgres docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f rdbms.yml run app_test` - `DB=mysql docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f rdbms.yml run app_test` Check code style: `flake8` Run tests: `pytest` Tests reports are generated in `tests/reports`. * `out.xml` - JUnit test results * `coverage.xml` - Coverage xml results To generate HTML coverage reports use: `--cov-report html:tests/reports/cov_html` Integrational testing ------ 1. docker-compose 2. `cd integration_tests` 3. `docker-compose run master`