# CQRS demo project It's a simple demo project contains 2 services: - master: source of domain models. Stores models in PostgreSQL. - replica: service which get models from master by CQRS. Stores replicated models in MySQL and Redis ## Start project: ``` docker-compose up -d db_pgsql db_mysql docker-compose run master ./manage.py migrate docker-compose run replica ./manage.py migrate docker-compose up -d docker-compose run master ./manage.py cqrs_sync --cqrs-id=user -f={} docker-compose run master ./manage.py cqrs_sync --cqrs-id=product -f={} ``` It starts master WEB app on []( and replica on []( You can do something with model instances via WEB interface or django shell on master and see how data changes in replica too. ## Domain models: ### User: The most common and simple way for replication is used for this model. ### ProductType: This model isn't being synchronized separately, only with related Product. ### Product: This models uses custom own written serializer and relation optimization. ### Purchase: This models uses Django REST Framework serializer. Replica service stores this model in redis. ## Monitoring You can monitor CQRS queue by tools provided by chosen transport backend. For this demo we use RabbitMQ with management plugin. You can find it on []( with credentials `rabbitmq / password`.